It is the start of a new year, and as I begin reading the Bible at Genesis, it says, “In the beginning, God…”
It all starts with God. Genesis doesn’t begin with the earth being all formless and void or with creation or with light or with man. It begins with God. In the beginning - God... And then we hear about what God proceeded to do. As we read chapters 1-2 of Genesis, we experience an incredible barrage of ideas, events and subjects from light to heavens to water to land to plants to fish to animals. There’s the sun and the moon, man and woman - and it’s all good. But it’s not as good as where it all starts, which is with God.
That’s how I want 2008 to start for me - with God. In the beginning of 2008, God… And then let’s see what God does. When God is at the beginning - the Initiator of what then proceeds - I can be at peace no matter what. It will be valuable if we can always remember that, even in the most testing of times, which we know will come. God is in charge at the beginning of 2008 and throughout 2008. And God will be with each one of us throughout 2008, just as He was on January 1st. And just as He was so powerfully and creatively present in Genesis 1, verse 1!
© 2008 by Ken Peters