Monday, August 3, 2009

What manner of life am I living?

I came across a phrase today that got me thinking. Philippians 1:27 says, "Only let your manner of life be worthy of the Gospel of Christ". As I read that, I couldn't help but wonder -- what "manner of life" have I been living lately? Has it been worthy of the Gospel of Christ? In fact, how would I even sum up my "manner of life"? Is it comfort-seeking, or recreation-driven, or entertainment-based like the culture around me? Or has it been under momentum, or self-oriented, or people-pleasing in nature?

I certainly want my manner of life to be "worthy of the Gospel of Christ", so it's vital that I regularly examine how I'm living to be sure that it is. The apostle Paul gave me some clues (in the immediate context of Philippians 1:27-28) as to what manner of life he had in mind. He wrote that he hoped to hear that the Philippian believers were...
  • "...standing firm..." -- persevering
  • " one spirit, with one mind, striving side by side..." -- unified with other Christians
  • "...for the faith of the Gospel..." -- of faith and Gospel-oriented
  • "...and not frightened in anything by your opponents" -- courageous
Those are five key components of a "manner of life" that are "worthy of the Gospel of Christ". And because I want my "manner of life" to reflect the character of God rather than the character of the culture in which I live, I want to actively and prayefully pursue such traits. That means regularly reflecting on my lifestyle and living a lifestyle of repentance as I seek to make my manner of life conform to the ways of the Gospel of God's kingdom each and every day.

© 2009 by Ken Peters

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