He deeply
understood the troubles they would soon face in this world. But he also knew that
he would soon overcome this broken world that vainly sought to oppose him. And
he also knew that they would have a Helper unlike any they had ever known. So
as he spoke, he intentionally looked into their eyes with an expression of
heartfelt comfort.
“Let not
your hearts be troubled,” he said. “You believe in God. Believe also in me” (John
14:1). He wanted them to believe that the One with whom they had walked so
closely for those three brief miracle-filled, awe-infused, horizon-widening
years would not abandon them now. And though he had to speak of leaving, he
promised that “I will come again and receive you to myself, that where I am,
there you may be also” (14:3).
What a
wonder. That the Son of God would receive the likes of them — or of us — despite
all our flaws and fears, to himself. To hear him say, with unfeigned affection,
I will “receive you,” means that he wants to embrace us, accept us, gather us
up “that where I am, there you may be also” (14:3) — forever!
The disciples responded with confused questions, not understanding that Jesus had no intention of enforcing his will in an earthly kingdom that would usurp all who opposed him in the here and now. But with the advantages of my post-Pentecost perspective, Jesus’ promise of heavenly fellowship with him creates great expectations in me. Spending eternity with Jesus — I can’t imagine anything better.
The disciples responded with confused questions, not understanding that Jesus had no intention of enforcing his will in an earthly kingdom that would usurp all who opposed him in the here and now. But with the advantages of my post-Pentecost perspective, Jesus’ promise of heavenly fellowship with him creates great expectations in me. Spending eternity with Jesus — I can’t imagine anything better.
But Jesus
wasn’t satisfied with merely pointing to future fellowship with him as he
sought to comfort his disciples in this troubled world. Jesus anticipated his
own burial, resurrection and ascension when he then said, “A little while
longer and the world will see me no more, but you will see me. Because I live,
you will live also. At that day you will know that I am in my Father, and you
in me, and I in you” (14:19-20).
So yes,
Jesus wanted his disciples to be comforted by his promise that one day and
forever, “where I am, there you may be also” (14:3). But he also reassuringly
promised that he wanted to walk in close fellowship with them in this world — “you in
me, and I in you” (14:20) — as he also spoke of a “Helper” (14:16), “he who
dwells with you and will be in you” (14:17)!
So imagine
Jesus at a table with us now, in 2020, looking intently at each of us, catching
our gaze, seeing the fear, the confusion, the sadness, the frustration, the
angst of living in a world wrestling with a pandemic.
I can hear
him saying, “Let not your hearts be troubled. You believe in God. Believe also
in me.” And he would want us to be comforted as he said, “Believe that I will
not only one day joyfully receive you to be with me forever, but also believe
that because I am now with my Father, I have sent my Spirit to abide with you
and to help you, so that through him you can truly and continually be in me,
and I in you — together in loving friendship — right now, today and every day.
© 2020 Ken Peters
© 2020 Ken Peters
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