Thursday, July 15, 2021

To Grasp It, You Need To Know You Need It

My brain has trouble grasping God's greatness. I can know from what Jesus did on the cross that God is for me, and I can read all about how great God is, but when all that doesn't translate into a steady confidence in him amidst life's constant troubles, I know I'm not really getting it. After all, if the God who wants to help me is truly great and mighty and awesome beyond description, shouldn't that give me confidence amidst any of the troubles I face?  

Psalm 145:3 says, God's "greatness is unsearchable." Immeasurable. Unquantifiable. Boundless. And Psalm 147:5 says, "Great is the Lord, and mighty in power; His understanding is infinite." What a combination to comprehend – awesome power and infinite understanding. What a comfort it ought to be that such a God is "for us" (Rom. 8:31). 

But Psalm 147 goes on to tell us the key to truly receiving this revelation of who God is. Psalm 147:6 says that God "lifts up the humble" and verse ten says that "He does not delight in the strength of the horse" or "in the legs of a man." Verse eleven is the key: The Lord takes pleasure in those who fear Him, in those who hope in His mercy." In other words, our revelation of God's greatness needs to be combined with a revelation of my weakness, my neediness, my dependence on God. God's greatness will only benefit the humble. My comprehension of God's power is connected to my dependence on him.

And then why wouldn't I depend on a God who I've discovered to be mighty in power, infinite in understanding, and merciful to the humble? What a great God! It's no wonder Psalm 147 begins and ends with "Praise the Lord!"

© 2021 Ken Peters

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